Confusion, tears as pastor refuses to wed couple for arriving 5 minutes late [VIDEO]

There was a mild drama at the Fulfilling World Foundation Church, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, on Saturday as the senior pastor, Essay Oggory, refused to wed a couple after they arrived 5 minutes late to the venue of their wedding.

In a viral video, the pastor can be seen walking out on the couple.

Families, friends, and well-wishers of the couple, who were at the church for the occasion, were left in shock.

The bride cried uncontrollably as she could not believe what was happening.

However, the pastor was said to have returned to wed the couple after much pressure on the condition that the wedding will happen in his office and not the church auditorium.

The couple rejected the condition and were seen leaving the church compound in their cars.


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Confusion, tears as pastor refuses to wed couple for arriving 5 minutes late [VIDEO]


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