Show HN: API to generate charts in PNG/SVG/HTML

Show HN: API to generate charts in PNG/SVG/HTML Hi people, I've been working on this API for sometime now and I thought others might find it interesting. The API is available on rapidapi @ This API allows you create bar/line/pie/etc charts in a single API call. The only required fields are the type of chart and a list of data points to chart. There are many ways to create charts, but I've found most charting solutions only work inside the application they are created in. I was looking for a solution that allows me to use/create/share charts however I want easily. In the future I really want to focus on being able to simply integrate with other service like notion. There's a free plan that allows you to make 100 requests per day. Hope you'll find it useful. Let me know if you have any comments or features for me to add next. January 26, 2022 at 03:22PM

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