Show HN: Loadable – Simplifying Async Data Handling in React

Show HN: Loadable – Simplifying Async Data Handling in React I'm excited to share a project that I've been working on - Loadable, a new NPM package to help reduce boilerplate and simplify handling asynchronous data in React applications. Features include: - *Loading State Management*: Manages the loading state for you, removing the need for manual management. - *Error Handling*: Handles errors during data fetching, providing a unified way to deal with potential issues. - *Data Fetching Based on Dependencies*: Fetch data based on dependencies, similar to `useEffect`. - *Support for Synchronous and Asynchronous Functions*: Can work with both sync and async functions. - *Type-Safe*: The library is fully typed, offering strong TypeScript support. Check it out here: []( Feel free to follow on twitter: [@tobi_akin]( Feedback and suggestions are very welcome, as I'm hoping to make this as useful and practical for you all as possible. May 21, 2023 at 03:26PM

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