Show HN: Find alternatives to almost any popular GitHub repo

Show HN: Find alternatives to almost any popular GitHub repo Several months ago, I built a "stealth" feature that I could use. It hasn't been advertised, and I've been the only user. As I find it useful for myself, I believe others (software developers) may like it too. So, this is the first public post about it, and if it gets any positive feedback, I may put some time into promoting it more. In essence, given that you've opened a GitHub repo (there are ~225k of the more popular ones indexed as of now), you can replace "github" with "libhunt" within the URL, and you will find the top alternatives and related projects. For example, here are three popular repos: - - - To test it out, open any of the examples above and replace "github" with "libhunt" within the browser URL. You can also try with any other repository as long as it's a bit popular. I'd be more than happy to answer any questions and receive some feedback. Thanks! February 3, 2022 at 12:15AM

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